Remote Ways to Keep an Eye on Your Aging Loved One

Whether it's from your home a few miles away or a different state hundreds of miles away, keeping an eye on your elderly loved ones from afar feels inaccessible and, frankly, stressful. Unsure of whether to move closer to your family member, install a camera system in their home, or get them a wearable emergency device? Fortunately, Angel Watch has the perfect blend of numerous remote family caregiving options and virtual healthcare services for aging loved ones, our Angel Watch Series R-Assist

Add Video to Your Calls

Part of making sure your older loved one stays safe is by giving them a call. Not only is staying social important to avoid health decline for elderly individuals, but there is nothing like a face-to-face check in. While regular calling is incredibly valuable, video calling tools for elderly family members can add another layer of safety/interaction as a family caregiver. Being able to get a good look at your loved one can help to confirm what they’ve been telling you over the phone or text. 

Angel Watch’s Series R-Assist 4g smartwatch includes calling, text messaging (including voice-to-text messaging), and video calling. It also includes simple-to-use technology for your aging loved ones such as photo contacts that they can press to call or message. Simple technology is key to remotely interacting with aging loved ones who may not have the ability to learn a complex form of communication at this point in their lives.

Remote Monitoring

A large concern for new family caregivers is leaving their loved one alone for long periods of time. From afar, how are you meant to check in on your aging loved one’s health more directly? Assist includes advanced healthcare technology for seniors that can read body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels. This way, you can get real-time data that can be recorded conveniently in the Angel Watch App on your phone. 

Additionally, the Assist includes remote tracking and geo-fencing. Geo-fencing entails setting a perimeter around a designated area. If your loved one leaves this space, you will receive location notifications for wandering loved ones wherever you are. This is especially useful in keeping wandering loved ones safe in the event you cannot monitor them in person 24/7. 

Emergency Services and Alerts

The Assist also includes fall alert technology for seniors, a flashlight, and a dedicated emergency call button. This way, in any worst-case situation, your loved one has access to medical services in a pinch. 

Additionally, the Assist provides a medication reminder tool for seniors. This means your loved one will always know when to take their medication and be proactive about maintaining their own health. 




Angel Watch’s Series R-Assist allows you to monitor and care for your aging loved one from afar, reducing your own stress and caregiver guilt. This will also allow seniors the opportunity to be more independent. The transition from independent living to active caretaking can be difficult for aging adults, and Angel Watch is here to make that transition easier. By allowing your aging loved one to feel autonomous while simultaneously being as safe as possible, you can enjoy peace of mind as a family caregiver that they are positioned as effectively as possible to avoid potential health decline.

The Angel Watch Series R-Assist—an accessible and effective way to monitor your loved one from afar—can be purchased here.

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