The Importance of Independence for Vulnerable Adults

WRITTEN BY Maria Simao April 20, 2023

As a caregiver, you understand the importance of your loved ones being able to live independently, even if they are getting older or dealing with health challenges. But let's face it, as they age, it can be difficult to maintain their independence. It's like trying to hold onto a greased piglet - it's a slippery slope! Your loved ones may feel like they are losing their freedom, while you worry about their safety. Fortunately, there are solutions available to help your loved ones maintain their independence while ensuring their safety and your peace of mind.

Did you know that 90% of seniors want to stay in their own homes for as long as possible? And who can blame them? Home is where the heart is, after all. That's why it's essential to help them maintain their independence so they can be happy and healthy. With the right tools and strategies, it's possible!

So, let's explore some fun and exciting ways you can support your loved ones and keep them independent.

1. Utilise Smartwatch Technology:
Smartwatches like our Angel Watch Assist, made for vulnerable adults, have great features that help them stay independent and safe. The smartwatch has cellular voice and video calling, secured messaging, medication reminders, fall alerts, and vital signs monitoring. All these features help them do their daily activities without worry. Also, the smartwatch has GPS tracking and Geo-Fencing, which let you know where they are and their movements without being with them physically.

2. Encourage Social Connections:
It's essential to keep social connections for good mental health and well-being. You can help by encouraging your loved ones to join local clubs or groups that are into the same things they like.

3. Adapt the Home Environment:
Making small changes to the home environment can help keep independence. For example, you can add grab bars in the bathroom, remove tripping hazards, and add extra lighting to make it easier and safer for vulnerable adults to move around.

4. Engage in Regular Exercise:
Encouraging your loved ones to exercise regularly, like walking or stretching, can help them stay physically and mentally healthy.

In the end, helping your loved ones maintain their independence is all about finding creative solutions that work for them. With the right tools and strategies, they can have their freedom and be safe at the same time. The Angel Watch Assist is an awesome solution with lots of cool features like GPS tracking, vital signs monitoring, and medication reminders. It's like having a personal assistant on their wrist!

So why not give them the gift of independence, and watch them flourish in their own home? With your love and support, they can live their best life and enjoy every moment of it.

The Value of Aging in Place:

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